Compare & Book Online with snow report, April 19th 2013

View from Flegere yesterday
Floria drag lift
Chavanne area of Flegere
From skiing to golf at Chamonix
Evettes piste at 1900m
Looking over to Brevent
Skiing great corn snow
Foggy Grands Montets this morning
Snowing hard at 1000m in town this afternoon

This week has been really nice and sunny, with hot temperatures, not many clouds, and quite a few spring avalanches everywhere in the mountains. The snow has ranged from great corn snow, early in the day, to wet heavy slush later on, especially as it has been mild at night too, with not much refreezing of the snowpack.

Yesterday at Flegere was warm enough to ski without a hat, even at 10am, and by lunch time the snow was really baked. It was really nice to ski in the morning, though, even off-piste, which was a bit lumpy.

Today we have some more active weather, and it was raining in the valley and mid-mountain this morning, but by this afternoon the snow line has come down to 1000m and predictions are for 20 or 30 centimetres of powder up high today and tonight!

This morning I skied the Pierre-a-ric early on, in the rain, so I got a bit wet, but the snow was fantastic - soft and smooth, and not sticky. I could have done with some windscreen wipers for my goggles, though! I didn't venture into the fog higher up, but it was probably snowing half way up the Bochard at that point, and getting steadily colder through the morning.

The last few days, though, were full of that summery sun, a great temperature for hanging out in town after skiing some spring snow in the morning, or going to the rock climbing wall. The snowpack is still big above 2000m, despite a lot of melting and avalanches ripping certain areas out, but the snow is wet right through right now, so is not too stable in the mid mountain.