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CMB has a new PDG + Accidents on the Mont Blanc

CMB new PDG The new PDG of the CMB will be officially nominated today, July 17th. Mr. Mathieu Dechavanne, 37 years old, studied business administration in France and in the USA. He worked for several years in the Car Industry and his last job was as Equipment Director of the German Group MAHLE GMBH. He was responsable for 4 poles in Europe (Annecy, Italy, Scotland and Slovaquia) and for a technologic center in the UK. Mathieu Dechavanne should start his functions as PDG of the CMB in September 2009. He will replace François Bidaut, that will keep working for the CMB in the formation area/department. Accidents in the Mont Blanc The PGHM had to do 9 rescues yesterday. 7 of them were quite simple (trekkers, tored people, etc), the two were quite technical. The first one took place in the Pointe Lachenal. Three dutch climbers were doing a traversse there when one of the belays came lose. All ended ok for the 3 climbers. More serious... a Austrian party that was climbing the the Walker Spur in the North Jorasses. One of them had a fall and couldn't continue the route. The helicopter of the PGHM rescued the two climbers and took the injured one direclty to the Chamonix Hospital.

Ski patrol now equipped with the Recco 9 - Chamonix news
Ski patrol now equipped with the Recco 9 - Chamonix news