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Two climbers injured during an ENSA formation

During this week, the 'aspirant-guides' had their 4th week of formation with the ENSA (National Ski & Mountaineering School), and they had to go into the the mountains with their first 'ginny pig' customers. A group went to climb the Dent du Geant (4013m). During the ascension, the aspirant-guide fell with a rock and took his 'ginny pig' customer with him. Another person present there saw that the safety point between them came lose too. The aspirant-guide fell 50m and even with broken a wrist, he managed to stop the fall of his client. This young lady, from Chambéry, was in shock. She broke several bones on her chest. The professor/instructor from the ENSA that supervised the group called immediately the Mountain Rescue, and with was the Italians that came to rescue them. Two hours after the accident, the victim was taken to the Aosta Hospital by helicopter. According with the last news, the victim will recover 100% from this accident. Le Dauphiné

Ski patrol now equipped with the Recco 9 - Chamonix news
Ski patrol now equipped with the Recco 9 - Chamonix news