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Protest Against Pollution

Massive presence 8 Feb 2014 is de rigueur at another protest against pollution of the Chamonix Valley!

The project that was launched by the Chamoniard Stéphane Sclavo is now supported by several environmental associations, ARSMB, Inspire, Black Nose, Environn'Mont-Blanc, together with the mayor of Chamonix and the deputy of Haute-Savoie.

The populations of Chamonix and the Arve Valley, all the way to Geneva, are exasperated about the ongoing air pollution. After many protests and legal procedures, the Chamoniarde goal has almost been reached. The Mayor of Chamonix, Eric Fournier, together with the deputy of the Haute-Savoie, Sophie Dion, shall have an audience, at the Elysee Palace on 11 Feb 2014, to request the application for legislation to reduce local air pollution. The restrictions that would be brought into effect by the legislation, would apply to road transport and wood burning, for heat and hot water.
To have any impact, their visit to Paris must be reinforced by the citizens of Chamonix. This is why the upcoming protest is so important. It must reach the ears and eyes of decision-makers in Paris.


Anti-pollution protest in Chamonix 8 Feb 2014!

The program:

  • 10:15am: RDV on the big roundabout at the foot of the climb to the Mont-Blanc Tunnel.
  • 11:00am: Start of the protest march. The group marches to the Triangle de l'Amitié.
  • 13:00 midday: Arrival in front of the Chamonix Town Hall.

Stéphane Sclavo, a citizen of Chamonix, concerned by the pollution of the Chamonix Valley, is the initiator of the event. The initiative is supported by the Environn'MontBlanc and by the ARSMB (Association for the Respect of the Mont-Blanc).
On 16 November 2013, at a previous protest a number 300 people gathered according to the police and 400 according to organizers. This time it should be 1000!


Everyone can do baby steps to reduce the pollution. Here are some recommendations:

  • limit the use of motor vehicles
  • for short trips use non-polluting modes of transport such as bike or walk
  • carpooling where possible
  • public transportation
  • anticipate traffic flow and travel when roads are less congested
  • check tire pressures frequently, at least once a month, and before driving at high speed
  • maintain a steady speed at low RPM.
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