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Mont Blanc: Evacuation of several climbers

On Thursday 16 June 2022, the rescuers of the High Mountain Gendarmerie Platoon (PGHM) were called at 9:40 a.m. in the morining to take charge of a 25-year-old climber.


The young climber injured his leg in the traverse of the Perrons ridge, a non-glacial ridge traverse in the massif. He was taken to Sallanches Hospital.

Then at 11 a.m., the Civil Security helicopter intervened in the high mountains, at the Goûter Hut, to bring back into the valley a person, victim of snow blindness.

The PGHM rescued two exhausted and hypothermic climbers

According to Le Dauphine, another intervention was made on the normal Mont Blanc massif route, with the rescue of two exhausted climbers in hypothermia. They were transported to the DZ des bois, the base of the helicopters.

Source: @Le Dauphiné Libéré

Chamonix : Travaux d'enrobés sur la RD 1506
Mont Blanc : Évacuation de plusieurs alpinistes