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Cross-country skiing: Martin Collet announced the end of his career

Wednesday evening 22 June 2022, Chamonix's cross-country skier Martin Collet (25), announced on social media the end of his skiing career.


"It took me a while to come to this decision, but that's it, high level skiing stops there for me! A number of decisions have tipped the scales, and have me looking forward to new adventures! Beyond the results, good and bad, I will keep deeply rooted the encounters and the wonderful relationships woven over the course of this beautiful journey..." writed the cross-country skier on the social media networks.

Martin Collet made his World Cup debut last season

According to Le Dauphine, member of the Haute-Savoie Nordic Team, the Chamonix cross-country skier distinguished himself at the Junior Worlds with two medals in the relay, then in the OPA (Coupe des Alpes), with five podiums including three last winter when he finally was able to discover the World Cup during the Tour de Ski and had even scored points during the 15 km classic in Lenzerheide (29th).

Best results :

• Double champion at the junior OPA Cup in Zwiesel (Germany) in 2017;

• 10th in FIS Junior World Skiing at Solider Hollow;

• French Champion 2017;

• 5th in a French Cup at Les Saisies ski resort;

• 9 podiums in the OPA cup for the start of the 2017 season;

• 3rd and 10th in fis junior world at Rasnov (Romania) in 2016.

More info on Martin Collet: :

Source: @Le Dauphiné Libéré

Chamonix : un mazot détruit par le feu au jardin des Barrats
Ski de fond: Martin Collet met un terme à sa carrière