The festival started with traditional Tibetan music by Tenzin Gonpo, then it was Jon McLaughlin's turn to rock the house at the Espace Olca in Les Houches. One spectator was completely amazed that he could see such a jazz star in so personal an environment. Spectators were treated to free concerts all night long by very talented artists. Although the concerts were free admittance, the Association Lions des Neiges du Mont Blanc had a stand for spectators who wished to make a voluntary donation of any denomination. The Kora festival continues today with a variety of music from traditional Tibetan, to French acoustic, folk rock, electro hip hop and more. August 10th, the show hits the road to Argentière for a conference with the Dalaï Lama's sister, Jetsun Pema on current conditions in Tibet. Then, Kora continues on around the Tour du Mont Blanc with films, theatre groups and ex-political prisoner guest speakers. See the complete program on the following site:
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