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The demolition began in Planpraz!

Following the construction of the new Planpraz lifts in 2008, which brought some comfort and faster access to the ski area, the old towers hadn't been demolished. After many bids and techniques proposed for the demolition of the towers and thanks to the atypical configuration of the terrain, the CMB has chosen the tecnhique of "nibbling" for the demolition of the P5 (the first tower located above the arrival of the Nants ski slope). Demolition by "nibbling" This operation consists on a platform around the tower on which an hydraulic rock breaker nibble will gradually reduce the tower blocks into rubble. The demolition of the tower P5 already began and it will be finished (weather permitting) by the end of 2010. Regarding the other towers, their destruction will follow on the spring and autumn 2011. The work can not be achieved nor the winter or the summer due to the skiers and trekkers/hikers. By performing this operation, the CMB demonstrates its commitment to the environment and that this is a part of a long-term management of its facilities. Le Dauphiné

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