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Famous freerider suffers injuries after heavy fall in Chamonix

Friday, the 5th of April 2019, Wadeck Gorak was shooting for “La nuit de la glisse” in Chamonix when he became the victim of a heavy fall.

Injured in both legs, the freerider remains optimistic and hopes for a full recovery in the near future.

Wadeck Gorak was shooting for "The night of the slide" on Friday, the 6th of April 2019.

Around noon, the Ubayan freerider was playing on the mythical side of the Funive on the Swiss border when he was caught by the "sluff" which is, according to the, falling snow that’s knocked loose by a skier, usually on a steep pitch.

Although the "sluff" is described as not being the same thing as an avalanche, it is still capable of sweeping a skier off his or her feet, which is what happened to Wadeck Gorak last Friday, in Chamonix.

He was rescued by helicopter and then quickly transported by car to the Sallanches hospital.

Although he ended up with both knees and ankles injured, the freerider described the accident as "more fear than harm".

He will have to undergo several MRIs to make sure the healing is going accordingly and he will have to move in a "comfort" chair, but his back was not affected by the incident and "the ligaments tests and X-rays have revealed nothing alarming" (Wadeck Gorak, for Le Dauphine).

Wadeck Gorak is expected to make a full recovery and be back on his skis in less than two months.

Léman Express - Easier to get to Chamonix from Geneva Airport
Léman Express - Easier to get to Chamonix from Geneva Airport