The Austrian has the fastest time of the descent of the Super Combined. It will be difficult to do this time again on the Verte des Houches ... This morning the simple act of putting one foot out has become an achievement. The thermometer displays twenty degrees below zero and everyone is trying to protect themselves from the cold. This has not stopped Romed Baumann to sign the best time of the descent. Yesterday, the Austrian who thought he held the downhill victory had seen Jan Hudec blow his happiness! This time, it seems well on for a second win (after Sestriere in 2009). Start of the slalom run at 14 hours. Super Combined - 5 February - Official results Downhill 1- BAUMANN Romed (AUT)) 2:01.58 2- THEAUX Adrien (FRA) 2:02.28 3- PARIS Dominik (ITA) 2:02.48
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