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French Air Traffic Strike

French air traffic controllers strike from Tuesday 24th to Sunday 29th of June, as SNCTA (Syndicat National des Contrôleurs du Trafic Aérien) and UNSA-ICNA (Union Nationale des Syndicats Autonomes - Ingénieurs du Contrôle de la Navigation Aérienne), call for air traffic controllers to strike in protest over 2015-2019 aviation budget.

From Tuesday, 24 to Sunday, 29 June 2014, French air traffic is expected to be affected by the protests against the budget.

This 6 day strike will affect mostly the southern airports where the amount of flights will be reduced by 25%. Only three flights out of four should be available, but in this particularly busy period, that covers the first weekend of departures for summer vacation, an air controller's strike may result in cancelled flights and hours of waiting.

All travelers are strongly advised to check before the scheduled date of the trip to see if the flight is affected.

Fatalité dans le Couloir Whymper
Grève du contrôle aérien