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Goûter Refuge: Opening Confirmed for 2017 Season

The opening of Gouter Refuge (3,815 m) for the 2017 summer season is Saturday 20 May 2017 as confirmed by The Fédération Française des Clubs Alpins et de Montagne (FFCAM).

The Gouter Refuge is situated about 1000m below the summit of Mont-Blanc (4,808m), on the traditional route with the same name, the Gouter route. Each year, thousands of climbers attempt to summit on this route, sleeping overnight at the Refuge and departing in the early morning for the final push to the summit. The Goûter building can accommodate up to 120 visitors.

Attention: Bookings can ONLY be made online.
Remember that you need to book the Gouter Refuge in advance. You cannot arrive without a reservation and expect to stay the night.

The online booking service for the professionals (High Mountain Guides, CAF Members or affiliates, Federal Executives) will open: on Wednesday 8 March 2017, at 8:30am for

  • 31 nights available each day from 20 until 31st  May
  • 35 nights available each day from 1st June

Also, on Monday 20 March 2017, at 8:30am for

  • 30 nights available per each day from 1st June

The professionals can check their account validity or open an account on the FFCAM website.

The online booking for public/non-professionals will open on Tuesday 11 April at 8:30 am for

  • 31 nights available each day from 20 until 31st  May
  • For the remaining nights on 1st June

Book online in order to get a reservation at the Goûter Refuge Hut.

Check here the 2017 prices

If you need any more information, contact the Goûter Refuge Hut Warden Antoine Rattin at: or (+33) 4 50 54 40 93

For any question, you can send e-mail to

La ministre Ségolène Royal en visite à Chamonix
Goûter Refuge: Opening Confirmed for 2017 Season