On Saturday 23rd September 2017, is to take place the 5th popular referendum in Chamonix!
Each year, the Boutch à Boutch association organizes a popular referendum, a sort of citizen's assembly, where the residents of the valley can propose and vote local initiatives.
The Boutch à Boutch association was founded in 2013. It has 130 members and is supported by the local population.
The Chamonix democracy!
About 200 people gather in a public square and vote with their hands the 20 proposals of their fellow citizens. Then, the Boutch à Boutch association undertakes to realize them.
The 5th popular referendum is to take place on 23rd September at Park Couttet from 4 p.m.
In 4 years, the Boutch à Boutch association has realized the following projects:
- Project 2014: "Le potager de mon pote âgé" - a system of lending gardens between private individuals;
- Project 2015: "A collective garden in permaculture";
- Project 2016: "Passez, composter" - creation of a collective composting site;
- Project 2017: "La Donnerie": Donovan, the caravan.
This year, the association wants to set up a small village of initiatives with associations, in order to give ideas to the participants and help them in writing their proposals.
There will be (at least) five poles:
- An agricultural/permaculture pole;
- An alternative education pole;
- One pole zero waste;
- A local currency pole, economic relocation.
- A pole environment, soft mobility.
This gathering will not serve as a standing ground for lewd thoughts or behaviour. There will not be tolerated any heinous, xenophobic, racist nor homophobic rants.
Remember to work on your proposals in advance, a verbal and well-constructed proposal will be much more likely to be accepted and retained afterwards!
Send them by email: boutchaboutch@gmail.com or give them on spot.
Chamoniards express yourself!
Come and participate to this democratic day, on Saturday 23rd September 2017! For those who have troubles for fluently speaking in french, a translator will be there for helping you.
For those coming from from far away, the Boutch à Boutch association will reimburse the costs of transport. Please find all information concerning the vote on the website: www.boutchaboutch.com.
Check here the Facebook page