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Chamonix awarded again with the Flocon Vert

The FLOCON VERT Labeling Committee composed of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Man, the University of Savoie, Teragir, ATD (Sustainable Tourism Actors), the Ademe and Mountain Riders have just renewed the recognition of Flocon Vert to the Valley of Chamonix for the period January 2018 - January 2021.

*FLOCON VERT (Green Snowflake), is a sustainable certifying label run by Mountain Riders, to give mountain lovers a clear vision of the best tourist destinations.

At the moment, there are only 5 resorts labeled Flocon Vert in France:

•    Les Rousses Resort a mid-mountain Franco-Swiss resort (Jura department);
•    Chamonix Mont-Blanc valley (Haute-Savoie department);
•    Châtel (Haute-Savoie department);
•    La Pierre Saint Martin (Pyrénées department);
•    Chamrousse (Isère department).

Flocon Vert, for a Sustainable Mountain Tourism
  Traser: the efforts made in Chamonix - 2016
Ecological ski resort: ski holidays and sustainable tourism

This label obtained in 2013 had already been confirmed for the first time in 2015. This new label is an acknowledgment of all the actions implemented in the area to protect the environment.

For many years, the Chamonix Mont-Blanc valley has been pursuing a proactive approach to reduce pollution factors. Labeled TEPOS and TEPCV, it has developed a specific Air Quality Plan composed of 36 measurements. The two main sectors identified being those of transport and habitat, our valley acts primarily on these two aspects.

An active policy of development of public transport

We are pursuing an active policy of developing public transport with a very strong support of the urban bus network: almost €5 million of subsidy paid annually and a significant role in the modernization of our railway line with more than €100 million committed since 2012, by integrating the budget entries of the new State-Region Plan Contract.

The Habitat Energy Fund (FEH)

Regarding the energy renovation of buildings: in addition to the renovation of public facilities, we have set up, as of 2015, a clear and accessible system, the Habitat Energy Fund (FEH), to help private housing renovation operations (in the form of a subsidy capped at 1500 euros which can be increased to 3000 euros in the event of a work package and cumulative with the Energy Transition Tax Credit).

The Habitat Energy Fund completes the Air Bois Fund, established in 2013 in the Arve Valley and aimed exclusively at replacing polluting heating appliances.

Since 1st January 2018, the valley offers, in collaboration with GRDF, Fond Air Gaz, specific financial assistance to promote gas conversion.

The Electric mobility

Meanwhile, the community is investing in electric mobility (charging stations, electrical outlets in car parks, municipal fleet partly electrical) and in soft modes (bicycle path in construction, installation of bicycle racks).

In the energy front, the community has implemented the PlanETer platform that guides residents in their energy choices and has launched two ambitious projects of hydroelectric plants in Taconnaz and Favrands.

All of these commitments and achievements have a clear purpose: to enhance and protect our natural heritage and the inhabitants of the territory! To reinforce this approach, Chamonix formally asked the State in January 2017 to initiate the procedure for the inscription of the Mont Blanc Massif on UNESCO's list of natural and cultural heritage.

Chamonix Unlimited Festival 2018: le meilleur de l’électro
Chamonix a nouveau labellisée Flocon Vert