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French Bouldering Junior Cup won by Chamoniard, Louison Burtin

Saturday & Sunday, 8/9 December 2018, the final of the French bouldering cup was held at the Ensa gym in Chamonix, with more than 300 competitors.

The senior competion was held on Saturday 8 December and the junior competition on Sunday 9 December 2018.  The bouldering wall was designed by Romain Desgranges and his team. The fight was epic, tight and spectacular. Extremely technical passages, required exceptional imagination from the competitors.

The Chamoniard, Louison Burtin won the junior boys competition and another Chamoniarde, Victoire Ringler, came 8th in the girls' competition.

Congratulations to them both, from the team at

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Léman Express - Easier to get to Chamonix from Geneva Airport