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Two Amputees Climbed the Mont-Blanc Summit

Samuel Ferber, from the Colmar region and Luc Méheux, from the Territoire de Belfort, are living proof that ambitious dreams and hard work pay off.

Having their tibiae amputated didn't stop them! On 14 July 2020, they reached the Mont-Blanc summit (4,808m or 15,774 ft).

Supervised by a team of orthopedists from the Colmar region, Samuel Ferber (35) and Luc Méheux (40), both amputated from the tibia, achieved their dream on 14 July.

After eight months of hard, almost daily training, the pair managed to reach the Mont-Blanc summit. The duo trained in the Vosges and in Switzerland, in running and climbing.

It was one of the orthopedists, Anthony Schubnel, based in Horbourg-Wihr and passionate about the mountains, who launched this challenge. "We want to demonstrate that, despite the handicap, we can achieve great things and push the limits", explained Anthony Schubnel.

The two men were equipped with custom-made prostheses, made by orthopedists from the Colmar region, produced by the Welter team.

A third amputee, Benjamin Tomé, was supposed to join the two, but unfortunately, he suffered an injury during training and had to give up.

"I dropped a little tear because it was great! With the prosthesis, I had no particular problems. Above, it's ecstasy", commented Samuel Ferber.

"It was great and incredible! Stars, memories and smiles still in my head! I want to show people who could be amputated that it is not the end; It's a new beginning. We have to get to know ourselves again and start over!", declared Luc Méheux.

Source @FranceBleu

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Two Amputees Climbed the Mont-Blanc Summit