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Aiguille du Midi, north face: a climbing party rescued

A roped party was rescued after spending the night at high altitude.

On Saturday 21 November 2021, a group of mountaineers climbed the goulotte called the "Fil a Plomb" under the Col du Plan (3475 m), north face of the Aiguille du Midi. Surprised by the darkness, they spent the night at high altitude.


According to the Dauphiné, Sunday morning 21 November 2021, the roped party found itself technically blocked under the summit and could no longer evolve on its own. Therefore, they gave the alert to the rescuers of Chamonix PGHM .

The mountaineers were evacuated unharmed by helicopter to the drop zone (DZ) of Les Bois in Chamonix.

Source: @Le Dauphiné

Rognon du Plan : the Fil à Plomb, more info onwww.camptocamp.or


Chamonix : une nouvelle traversée dans les Aiguilles Rouges
Aiguille du Midi, face nord : une cordée d'alpinistes évacuée