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Alpine skiing: Guillermo Fayed announces the end of his career

Saturday 24th March 2018, Guillermo Fayed announced through a post via social media channels the end of his career as a professional skier at the age of 32.

According to Radio Mont Blanc, Fayed, who could not participate in the 2018 Winter Olympics due to a lumbar disc injury decided to permanently put his skis in the closet.

The skier of Chamonix wrote on Instagram: "I started skiing when I was 2 years old, competing at 8. At 20 I did my first World Cup race. Now,at 32 years old I’ve decided to start a new chapter of my life".

"Kaillou" always in his thoughts

If he took the opportunity to thank all the coaches that helped and supported him during his long career, Guillermo Fayed sent a message to David Poisson, "Kaillou" for the close friends, a French downhill skier who died in a training accident in early winter: «My dear Kaillou, I miss you so much, you'll remain my model of kindness».


A l’âge de 2 ans j’ai commencé à skier.A l’âge de 8 ans j’ai commencé à faire mes premières courses.A 20 j’attaquais les coupes du monde.A 32 ans j’ouvre un nouveau chapitre de ma vie.Je tenais à remercier tous les coachs que j’ai pu avoir dans ma carrière,les techniciens qui sont toujours dans l’ombre et qui nous font briller,les kinés et docteurs qui ont toujours réussi à me remettre sur les planches et aux prép qui on toujours pris soins de mes 6 packs.Merci à mes sponsors qui m’ont permis de vivre de ma passion toutes ces années,Chamonix,l’armée, Head et tous les autres.Je tenais à dire au revoir à tous les athlètes du circuit blanc avec qui j’ai partagé ces pistes de descentes.Merci à tous mes proches et au fan club de m’avoir suivi et supporté pendant ma carrière.Merci au groupe avec qui j’ai vécu tous les entraînements,les courses, les vacances,les joies et les larmes.Vous allez beaucoup me manquer.(Je pourrais plus vous donner des leçons à la podrida et au jeux de la..)🤪Merci aussi à toutes les personnes que j’ai malheureusement oublié.Si jamais vous me cherchez je serais @colonies_canyelles en Espagne au bord de la mer.Mon kaillou, je pense tellement encore à toi, tu resteras mon modèle de gentillesse #dpforever ❤️💫 I started skiing when I was 2 years old,competing at 8.At 20 I did my first World Cup race.Now,at 32 years old I’ve decided to start a new chapter of my life.I want to thank all the coaches that helped me along the way,the skimen that worked in the shadow to made me shine,all the medical staff that always put me back on track and the physical coaches that fought with me for my -never reached- 6 pack.Thanks to my sponsors and their support because they let me live my passion during all these years.Thanks to my family, friends and the fan club to always have been there.I want to say goodbye to all the athletes/friends that shared with me this journey.Thanks to all my team,we trained,we raced,we smiled and we cried together.I will miss you!I’ve probably forgot someone, if so, I’m sorry and thank you.Now you can find me next to the sea,in my beloved Spain,working in the family business. My dear Kaillou, I miss you so much💫❤️ #dpforever

A post shared by Fayed Guillermo (@fayed_guillermo) on

Guillermo Fayed withdraws with a nice prize list:

  • 18th place on the Beaver Creek (USA) descent in December 2017
  • 14th place downhill in St Morritz (SUI) in 2017.
  • 10th in Val Gardena / Groeden in 2016;
  • 4th in Chamonix in 2016;
  • 10th in Jeongseon (Kor) in 2016;
  • 9th in Santa Caterina (Ita) in 2015;
  • 2nd in Val Gardena / Groeden in 2015;
  • 3rd in Beaver Creek (USA) in 2015;
  • 4th in Fis World Cup at Lake Louise (Can) in 2015;
  • 3rd overall in the 2015 Downhill World Cup;
  • 2nd of the World Cup downhill in Lake Louise season 2014/2015;
  • 3rd of the World Cup downhill in Kitzbühel (AUT) season 2014/2015;

Click here to see the athlete profile of Guillermo FAYED.

The life of Gus after skiing

According to Radio Mont Blanc,  for his life after skiing, Gus as we call him, announces that wants to move to Spain: "Now you can find me next to the sea, in my beloved Spain, working in the family business".

Guillermo Fayed has four career World Cup podiums in the men's downhill, we will especially remember his 2nd place on the descent of Lake Louise in 2014, and that of Val Gardena in 2015.

Chamonix conserve sa place dans l’Elite du hockey français!
Ski alpin: Guillermo Fayed annonce la fin de sa carrière