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Cleaning Up the Mer de Glace - New 2017: Opération Montagne Responsable

This year, for its 10th anniversary, the event "Cleaning Up the Mer de Glace" returns under a new name "Opération Montagne Responsable" and is partnering with the European Mobility Week.

It's time for the Big Clean-Up! The Opération Montagne Responsable is to take place on 15th and 16th September 2017

The teams and the partners of the event are mobilizing to start the new year on the right foot, working together to protect the environment. So, this 10th edition is more committed on the theme of waste reduction in the mountains and in our daily lives.

New 2017:

  1. The name of the event change and becomes "Opération Montagne Responsable".
  2. A village of ecoresponsible initiatives is created on Saturday 16th September 2017, co-organized by Lafuma Group and the CCC (Communauté de communauté de la vallée de Chamonix Mont-Blanc).
  3. The event is partnering with the European Mobility Week (from 16th to 22nd September 2017).

A village of ecoresponsible initiatives

The village of ecoresponsible initiatives is to take place Saturday 16th September 2017, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Place des Alpes in Chamonix.

It brings together many organizations/companies operating in the environment field, which offer different activities and workshops: Communauté de communes de la vallée de Chamonix (transport, home energy-efficiency...), Lafuma (textile repair), SITOM (composting, Gourmet bag), Chamonix bus (Mulet 100% electric and Les Ponettes: Electric cars in CarSharing), SNCF (promotes the railway transport), Agence écomobilité Savoie Mont Blanc (technical inspections of bicycles and electric bicycles), Eco Emballages (promotes waste separation for recycling), Zero Waste (combats waste), Inspire/Environn'Mont Blanc (to improve air quality), Boutch à boutch (Bus "donnerie"), Association GREEN (A consortium to promote environmental responsibility: to promote car pooling in the valley of Arve), Mountain riders (sustainable development policies, Flocon Vert – the green snowflake), YPAC (young chamoniards participating in the Youth Parliament of the Alpine Convention)...

More than one hundred volunteers

About 100 volunteers meet in Chamonix to stride up the glacier in search of "treasures" to withdraw. A gathering to act together for the protection of the environment.

The Program

For this 10th edition, we go even further! The event "Opération Montagne Responsable"  is about sharing. Sharing good times but also sharing good practices with workshops and discussions to reduce waste.

Friday 15th September 2017

In Chamonix - Free and open to all:

  • Exhibition of the "treasures" of the Mer de Glace (objects found on the glacier: ski, stick ...), from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Lafuma store;
  • Official evening of the event at the Maison des Artistes.

Mountain - On registration only: Complete

  • Cleaning Up the Mer de Glace, from 8:30 a.m. to 4.p.m. from the Montenvers station;
  • Eco-hiking in the valley with a school class supervised by Mountain Riders, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from the Montenvers station.

Saturday 16th September 2017

In Chamonix - Free and open to all:

  • A village of ecoresponsible initiatives and participatory workshops in cooperation with the European Mobility Week organized by the CCC (Communauté de Communes de la Vallée de Chamonix), from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Place des Alpes in Chamonix.
  • Exhibition of the "treasures" of the Mer de Glace (objects found on the glacier: ski, stick...), workshop couture, and animation by the ambassador Sylvain Bazin, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Lafuma store.

We are waiting for you in Chamonix!

Chamonix: Arrêté d'interdiction temporaire de l'atterrissage du speed flying au Champ du Savoy
Le Ramassage de la Mer de Glace devient Opération Montagne Responsable