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Argentiere New Social Housing

As a part of the proactive strategies of providing housing for the benefit of permanent residents, the municipality of Chamonix wants to exploit the piece of land across the tracks from the Argentiere train station. 

A consultation was launched in January of 2013. Initially five social landlords responded and the SEMCODA proposal was accepted.

On this site, thirty housing units shall be built. Half for rental and half for PSLA.

This process is part of the Local Housing Planning adopted by the Chamonix Valley that creates a coherent, adequate and balanced offer of permanent housing. Including this operation, there are over a hundred dwellings under construction in the Chamonix Valley.

To achieve this, a procedure to modify the Zoning Scheme vithin the Valley will be implemented.

This programme was adopted unanimously by the council members on Thu 22 Aug 2013.

This is a really smart planning by the municipality. The location will not interfere with the scenery of the Valley, will not cause any disruption to tourist services or facilities and will provide much needed accommodation for the local population that supplies services to the local tourism industry.

Villa de Tournette Renovation 2013
Argentiere New Social Housing