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EU citizens vote in Chamonix March 2014

EU citizens, resident in Chamonix, are entitled to vote in the Municipal Elections March 2014. The opportunity to engage with the future of our community is approaching fast.

How to Register to Vote

1. Have proof of residence within the Commune of Chamonix. Acceptable proof of residence is a utility bill, no older than 3 months with your full name.

2. Be aged 18 or over at the time of registration

3. Possess a valid Passport or National Identity Card

4. Download, print & complete the short Registration form: :

      Or acquire a Registration form at the Mairie

5. Before the 31st December 2013, but advice is, by mid December, present the three docuemnts at the public relations office, on the ground floor of the Hotel de Ville.

You will receive a Carte Electorale.

The Carte Electorale permits the holder to vote in the Municipal elections of March 2014 and also in the European Parliamentary elections of 22 - 25 May 2014.

Be a local ---> vote local !!!

€ 477M Investment in Chamonix Ski Resorts
EU citizens vote in Chamonix March 2014