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Mont Blanc traffic delay Fall 2014

All traffic accessing the Mont Blanc tunnel on the French side will experience delays until Friday, 3rd October 2014. Allow a minimum of an extra 30 minutes to ascend the Egratz viaduct and a least 15 minutes to descend.


Traffic delays near Mont Blanc tunnel

17 km from the entrance to the Mont Blanc tunnel (French side) there are pruning and wood cutting operations, on the hill side above the RN205,  between Chamonix and Sallanches.

Traffic is being diverted onto the Egratz viaduct.

Even though this is a deviation,  HGVs benefit from a quicker descent on the Egratz viaduct.


Descending the Egratz viaduct

Only one lane is available and overtaking is prohibited, so all traffic descends at the speed of the lowest vehicle.
The speed limit is 50 km / h, but expect an actual average speed of 10 to 15 km / h.

Therefore, heavy vehicles can expect to descend in good time, but light vehicles can expect considerable delays.


Ascending the Egratz viaduct

Only one lane is available and overtaking is prohibited, so all traffic ascends at the speed of the lowest vehicle.

The speed limit is 50 km / h, but expect an actual average speed of 5 to 15 km / h.

Therefore, almost all traffic on the route up the Egratz viaduct can expect considerable delays.


Victoire des Chamois contre les Brûleurs de Loups
Mont Blanc traffic delay Fall 2014