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Two alpinists fell 200 meters from Mont-Maudit

This Tuesday, the 25th of June 2019, two Polish mountaineers were descending from Mont-Maudit when they unscrewed.

Although they fell 200 meters, they are, fortunately, unharmed.

The two Polish mountaineers unscrewed while descending Mont-Maudit, in the Mont-Blanc massif.

They fell two hundred meters and they stopped very close to the seracs below them.

The PGHM of Chamonix, who were announced by a witness, came to their rescue.

The two alpinists, who were unharmed, were evacuated to the Sallanches hospital.

Le Dauphine

"A slide on a snow slope is never trivial and they were very lucky not to encounter pebbles, bars or precipices, especially since they could have hit with their crampons and ice axes. ", declared one of the gendarmes of the PGHM Chamonix for Europe1.

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Léman Express - Easier to get to Chamonix from Geneva Airport