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Les Courtes: 2 Missing Alpinists

Sunday, 6 July 2014, two alpinists, roped together two by two, successfully ascend to the summit of Les Courtes (3856 m), but their descent turned out not so fortunate.

Everything went just fine, until descent, when, due to bad weather, each pair lost sight of the other climbers. Around 7pm, one pair of climbers decided to call the Chamonix PGHM, as they were tired and the descent was very slow. They requested to be recovered by helicopter.
Captain Ribes from Chamonix PGHM reported that the climbers "were very tired, but as the PGHM's helicopter was already transporting a mountaineer to Annecy hospital and the climbers appeared to have the descent under control, we convinced them that it was better to reach the Couvercle Hut, by their own forces" .
This is exactly what the two climbers did, in difficult conditions.
On arrival at the Hut it was clear that the other pair of climbers have not arrived, so they contacted the PGHM again.
The PGHM responded that they would begin a search at first light from the helicopter and on the ground. By noon, the bad weather returned, forcing the search to be suspended.

The two climbers, as the PGHM confirmed, were well-trained mountaineers.

Because the weather is continually bad, the PGHM hopes that the two alpinists have found a safe place.

Research will resume, as soon as the weather permits.

Source Le Dauphiné

Coupe du monde d'escalade
Deux alpinistes disparus depuis Dimanche dans les Courtes