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Mont-Blanc massif: Call for Vigilance, Risk of rock fall

The prefecture of Haute-Savoie issued yesterday, Thursday 22 June 2017, a press release calling for the vigilance of mountaineers, due to rock fall in the Mont-Blanc massif and especially in the Goûter couloir.

According to the press release:

As a result of the particular weather conditions of the last few days (heavy heats leading to a low night freezing and a major drought in high mountains), rockfalls have been registered in the Mont-Blanc massif, particularly in the normal climbing route known as "Le Couloir du Goûter".

The phenomenon could intensify over the coming days.

Faced with these particulars climatic conditions, the Haute-Savoie prefect calls the mountaineers the utmost prudence in the routes exposed to rockfalls, as well as during glacier progression due to the weakening of snow bridges or ice.

The effective enforcement of the safety rules is is crucial and it's important to leave early and return early, so in this manner you avoid not being involved in high-risk areas during the hottest hours of the day

Also, the guides companies of Saint-Gervais and Chamonix decided to postpone the ascents of Mont-Blanc planned via the Goûter couloir, while waiting for the improvement of conditions. This decision should be welcomed.

If the the observed phenomena starts worsening, other measures will be taken, in particular for the access to the Mont-Blanc via the Goûter couloir, in collaboration with the mayor of Saint Gervais.

The Mont-Blanc massif is a territory that offers medium and high mountain races. The guides' offices, the tourist offices and the High Mountain Office of Chamonix (OHM) are available to provide information to all mountaineers concerning the races, conditions of access to the high mountains and safety rules.

Check here the press release in French

Early heat wave: orange alert in Haute-Savoie

"The weather conditions that are currently in the mountains are those of a month of August". This means a very dry mountain, combined with the snow deficit of this winter: the ideal cocktail to promote rock falls, And not only on access to Mont-Blanc.

«A few gendarmes climbed up to the Tour Ronde (3,791m) Wednesday 21st June 2017 and observed continuously stone falls. The mountain is deteriorating very quickly", added the captain".

Mountaineers are therefore called to:

  • choose their route well;
  • consult the altitude of the zero degree centigrade isotherm;
  • check the freezing conditions of the area they intend to climb.

Timing is crucial: "Every experienced mountaineer knows what this means. We must finish the part of the route that is in the snow, before the arrival of the heat, says Captain Ribes.

According to Le Dauphine, La Chamoniarde, the Mountain Rescue Society, posted on its facebook page reports in both, English and French, about the mountain conditions, and the Chamoniarde passes this information directly to The Office de Haute Montagne, located near the church beside the Place du Triangle.

Check here the Facebook page of La Chamoniarde.

For more information about the mountain conditions, here all the contacts:

La Chamoniarde

Maison de la Montagne
190, place de l'église
Tel: +33 4 50 53 22 08

Chamonix Tourist Office

85, Place du Triangle de l’Amitié
74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc
Tel: +33 4 50 53 00 24
Fax: +33 4 50 53 58 90

Le Mont-Blanc Express reprend du service le 24 juin 2017
Massif du Mont-Blanc: Appel à la vigilance des alpinistes en raison des chutes de pierres