In a life of freedom and adventure. Something never done before, never attempted afterwards. Madness, obsession manifested by an unusual man, combining technique and luck. This man was Henri Giraud, a pioneer of mountain flying. He did so many challenges, but this one will remain the biggest on. On June 23, 1960, he landed his Jackdaws on Mont Blanc. Illegally... of course!!! The 2nd try was the good one The Mont Blanc: "He dreamed about it since we were married," recalls his wife Simone. Henri Giraud was well prepared for its move. We flew several times over the summit to check the conditions. "It took him a great technical and spiritual preparation. He was everything except a crazy person" said his son in law Bernard Boyer, also a pilot. 23rd June, at 6h15, his first attempt fails because he goes too fast. At 6h30, the second is the good one. Giraud cries of hapiness. Before taking off, he sends a "respectful affection and gratitude message" to General de Gaulle. That day, Henri Giraud is entered into legend. Le Dauphiné
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