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Musilac signs a partnership with the Mont-Blanc tunnel

Monday 16th April 2018, a partnership agreement was signed between Musilac and the Mont-Blanc tunnel for the organization of the first edition of the mountain pop-rock festival, which is to take place at Bois du Bouchet from Thursday 19th to Saturday 21st April 2018.

According to Le Dauphine, the official signature was organized at Hotel Alpina, between the co-founders of the event, Rémi Perrier and Roland Zennaro, and the Managing Director of the Mont Blanc tunnel, Gilles Rakoczy, in the presence of the festival organizers, elected representatives and representatives of the Tourist Office.

This agreement allows to the festival organizers to benefit from a financial contribution of the Mont-Blanc tunnel, the amount of which has not been communicated.

A "package" for Italian festival-goers

A "package" is proposed to Italian festival-goers proposing, with the purchase of concert tickets, a 65% discount on the round-trip of the Mont-Blanc tunnel, the ticket is €19 (€9,50 one-way).

Gilles Rakoczy, the Managing Director of the Mont Blanc tunnel, has described as being in the "DNA" of the tunnel to be "partner on cross-border events crossing the Alpine barrier", this commitment was created to "bring a big number of people from Italy to see French groups and International".

ATMB Mobility and Sustainable Development partner of Musilac

The arrival of Musilac Mont Blanc in Chamonix is a new sign of the dynamism of the local cultural life.

As a mobility and sustainable development partner, ATMB (Autoroutes and Tunnel du Mont Blanc) will support the festival in two ways:

By financing free shuttles for all festival-goers. These are planned from the car parks set up on the outskirts of Chamonix, and directly from towns such as Bonneville, Cluses or Sallanches to encourage festival goers to leave their car. This support will reduce the number of vehicles to Chamonix and bring a gain in road safety.

By making a donation to the Community of Communes of the Chamonix Mont-Blanc Valley in compensation for the environmental footprint of the event. This donation will fund an important energy project for the territory.


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Musilac signe un partenariat avec le tunnel du Mont-Blanc