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A new line on the Aiguille de la Noire: Le Sarragallet

A new line called "Le Sarragallet" was opened on the North Face of the Aiguille de la Noire (3,402m), in the Mont-Blanc massif, on 19th April 2018.

The members of the team: Tristan Knoertzer, Jean-Sébastien Knoertzer, and Pierre Cadot.

The Sarragallet: Aiguille de la Noire (3,402m) NNE, 750 meters of elevation gain, passages with more than 50 degrees.

The name of this line is a tribute to Charlie Sarragallet, mountaineer and speed rider that disappeared ten years ago.


The Knoertzers: a family passion for steep slopes

According to Le Dauphine, Jean-Sébastien Knoertzer, an experienced technical advisor and teacher at the mountaineering department of the National School of Ski and Alpinism (ENSA), and his son Tristan Knoertzer, a 28-year-old High Mountain Guide, have in their genes the passion to discover new slopes.

What an irony! "The first real steep slope where I took Tristan was on the north face of the Aiguille de la Noire, when he had only 14 years old". It was in 2005. Except that 13 years later, it's Tristan who brought his father "in a magnificent line that himself found it" said Jean-Sebastien.


According to Le Dauphine, the initiative of this adventure in the Aiguille de La Noire was taken by Tristan.

We remember you that the name chosen for this route "Sarragallet" is the surname of one of Tristan's best friends, Charlie Sarragallet, who disappeared ten years ago. A name that suits this route "synonym of friendship, family and values".

Massif du Mont-Blanc: un alpiniste et un skieur ont perdu la vie
Nouvelle ligne à l'Aiguille de la Noire : Le Sarragallet