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The end of the Les Houches debate? - Chamonix news

September 19th, the Government commissioner recommended the annulment of the June 2007 contract between the St. Gervais village and SEPP to run the resort and the Grenoble courts upheld her decision. SEPP continues to reassure skiers that the entire Les Houches resort will be functional this winter. They are optimistic that the debate will lead to an improved organization of the resort. See our previous news article on: The Annual Les Houches Debate This year, the Mont Blanc Unlimited pass no longer includes the entire Les Houches ski resort (it only includes the Prarion lift and the Tramway du Mont Blanc).

Chamonix Chamois iced by Morzine-Avoriaz - Chamonix news
“Le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!” on Thursday - Chamonix news