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The Grands Montets opened this weekend - Chamonix news

Approximately 1,500 skiers and snowboarders celebrated the opening day of the Grands Montets. Four lifts were open, the Lognan, Marmottons, Bochard, and one of the three chairlifts in the Dream Forest which enabled off-piste enthusiasts to return from the Pendant bowl. In an interview in the Dauphiné Liberé, André Maffiol of the Compagnie du Mont Blanc agreed that opening the lifts on the last weekend in November was good but not exceptional, citing an incredible season back in 1974 when even Brévent was open by the 1st of November. But he is also confident that the season is off to a good start and that the Compagnie du Mont Blanc will aim to open the Grands Montets top cable car next weekend. This is especially early due to good glacier cover. In town and even in the opening lift line, everyone was smiling and greeting familiar faces, excited for what the 2008-2009 season has in store.

“Le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!” on Thursday - Chamonix news
Chamonix will host the alpine skiing and ice hockey if Annecy wins 2018 Olympic bid - Chamonix news