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The Cyclist Haute Route Challenge 2013

The Cyclist Haute Route 2013 does not pass through Chamonix.
Do not confuse it with the original Haute Route, a high mountain hike or ski, traversing glaciers, cols and valleys, from Chamonix (France) to Zermatt (Switzerland).

The Cycltist Haute Route has been a formal event since 2011, with a different route each year between Geneva and Nice.
To date, the Cyclist Route has not passed through Chamonix or Zermatt but it does take a wonderful mountainous route south to the Mediterranean Sea.

From Sun 18 to Wed 21 Aug 2013 it is a great challenge: 7 days, 880km and over 21,400 metres of vertical ascent.

Watch The Haute Route adventure unfold on the official website. When the race starts the site switches to event mode and it will be possible to track the riders on their journey.

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